Your destiny lies within you! This Scottish Princess loves archery and spending time with her 3 little bears - oops, we actually meant to say, brothers... Merida loves spending time with others, showing them her way of life. She will be the perfect addition to your spectacular celebration!
As described by Gramma Tala, Moana "stands out from the crowd". She is sea-loving, headstrong, strong-willed, practically fearless, and physically capable. Though she has moments of self-doubt, she has great pride in who she is, and is generally too stubborn to back away from new challenges.
Mirabel often shows a free-spirited and optimistic demeanor; despite being the only Madrigal grandchild without a gift and is treated differently, she is still very much sociable and friendly to those around her. Mirabel is confident, claiming that she does not need a gift to make herself happy and that she is just as special as everyone else in her family.
Captain Marvel is fierce and strong. As a former Air Force pilot and intelligence agent, Carol Danvers pursued her dream of space exploration as a NASA employee, but her life forever changed when she was accidentally transformed into a human-Kree hybrid with extraordinary powers. She will light up any event!
Captain America is probably the greatest human leader, hand-to-hand fighter, hero and inspirational figure in the Marvel Universe. He’s often been the leader of the Avengers. The Super Soldier is often considered a reliable ethical and moral compass – he always does the right thing and would be a superb addition to any event.